Difference Between Commodity and Product

A commodity is a raw material used in the production process to manufacture finished goods, while a product is a finished good sold to consumers. No value is added to a commodity, which can be grown, extracted, or mined. What makes a product a commodity?A product is a commodity when all units of production are identical, regardless of who produces them. However, to be a differentiated product, a company's product is different than those of its competitors.

Difference between IMAP, POP3 and SMTP

Key Difference: IMAP, POP3 and SMTP are three different protocols that deal with emails. IMAP and POP are used to read mails from a remote server. On the other hand, SMTP is used for sending emails. IMAP is more advanced protocol than POP3. IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is used for retrieving emails from a mail server. In a IMAP set up, the mails are stored on the mail server.

Difference Between Leaded Petrol and Unleaded Petrol

Leaded Petrol vs Unleaded Petrol Leaded Petrol and Unleaded Petrol are well known words for those who drives. Petroleum mixture, which is known as gasoline, gas or petrol, when used in cars or other vehicles, goes into combustion engine where it gets highly compressed. Because of this compression, it has a tendency to detonate on its own, or in layman’s terms, auto ignites, causing damage to engine. This is known as knocking (also called pinging or pinking).

Difference Between Protists and Fungi

Main DifferenceThe main difference between protists and fungi is that the protists are the organisms that have a unicellular organization, whereas the fungi are the organisms that have a multicellular organization. Protists vs. FungiProtists are the organisms that have an organization of unicellular, whereas the fungi are the organisms that have an organization of multicellular. Protists are very small that can only see in a microscope, while fungi are big enough to be detected by the naked eye, and some are also small species.

Difference Between Sales and Turnover

Sales vs Turnover   Sales and turnover are concepts that are similar to one another and are often used interchangeably on a company’s income statement. Sales and turnover represent the total value of the goods that are being traded by a firm which may either be from their core activities or from non-core activities. The article that follows offers a clear explanation on sales and turnover and compares both terms to see whether they, in fact, mean the same or not.

Difference Between Turnover and Revenue

Main DifferenceThe main difference between Turnover and Revenue is that Turnover relates to the total transaction of a business, and Revenue is the income received from selling products or services. Turnover vs. RevenueTurnover mentions several times a corporation burns over assets like record or inventory, cash, and workforce, whereas revenue denotes the sum of money a business makes by vending or selling its products or services to the consumers. Turnover is not compulsory to reported and intended for understanding these stated statements or reports better, while revenue is stated as transactions on the income report and is compulsory for all the public enterprises to report.

différence entre la confiture et la gelée et la marmelade

Alors, quelle est la différence entre la confiture, la gelée et la marmelade? ... La confiture est faite de morceaux de fruits entiers ou coupés avec du sucre. La gelée est fabriquée uniquement à partir de jus de fruits et de sucre. La marmelade est une confiture faite avec des agrumes - en utilisant le fruit entier, avec l'écorce. Pourquoi la marmelade ne s'appelle-t-elle pas Confiture??Quelle est la différence entre les confitures et les gelées?

Difference Between Alignment and Balancing

Accidents do occur, and occasionally they occur as a result of man’s negligence. When driving a vehicle, one must ensure that it is in good working order by inspecting everything that could cause it to malfunction. The tires on a car are quite vital and should be given sufficient attention and care because they are frequently overlooked.  Alignment and balancing are two words that we hear all the time when we take our car in for service, but few people grasp the difference between the two.

Difference Between Opera and Oratorio

Main Difference – Opera vs Oratorio Opera and oratorio are two types of performance in Western music tradition. Opera is a dramatic work which incorporates many elements of theater. Oratorio is a musical composition for voices or orchestra without using costumes, actions or scenery. The main difference between opera and oratorio is that opera uses costumes, scenery, and dramatic action whereas oratorio uses none of these elements. In other words, oratorio is a concert piece whereas opera is musical theater.

Difference Between Paternal and Maternal

Paternal vs Maternal The word “paternal” comes from the Latin word “pater” which means “father.” The suffix “al” would then mean “pertaining to.” So the word would simply mean “pertaining to a father.” On the other hand, the word “maternal” would just be vice versa. The word comes from the Latin word “mater” which means “mother.” As aforementioned, the suffix would mean “pertaining to.” So the word would simply mean “pertaining to a mother.