Difference Between Longitude and Latitude

Longitude vs Latitude   Are you having trouble remembering the difference between longitude and latitude? Then, remember that it is not as hard as it seems. Simply remember that the long lines on the globe between the North Pole and the South Pole are referred to by the term longitude whereas the lateral lines on the globe between east and west are referred to by the term latitude.

Difference Between Lutheran Church and Catholic Church

Lutheran Church vs Catholic Church Lutheran Church and Catholic Church are both practitioners of Christian faith. Both are centered on God as the ultimate salvation of mankind. A Lutheran and Catholic rely on the Bible and they observe the sacraments. But what makes one different from the other is practically the reason why Catholic and Lutheran never reconciled. Lutheran Church Founded by Martin Luther dubbed as the “Father of Reformation”, the Lutheran beliefs taught that salvation comes by the grace of God and faith in Christ alone and nothing more.

Difference Between Prophage and Provirus

Key Difference – Prophage vs Provirus   Avirus is an infectious agent that is an obligate endoparasite which needs a living host cell for its replication. It has either aDNA genome or an RNA genome.  Most of the viruses possess RNA genome. Provirus and prophage are viral genomes that are inserted into the host cell and integrated into to the host genome. A prophage is a viral genome that infects bacterial cells and integrates with bacterial genome whilst a provirus is a viral genome which integrates into a eukaryotic genome.

Difference Between American ginseng and Korean ginseng

American ginseng vs Korean ginseng Ginseng is a widely used herb that boosts the energy levels in the body. American ginseng and Korean ginseng are the two main varieties of Ginseng herb. The ginseng herb that is commonly found in Korea and North Eastern China is known as Korean ginseng and those found in America and Canada are called as American ginseng. The American ginseng is also known as Panax quinquefolius and the Korean ginseng is known as Panax ginseng.

Difference Between Commercial Bank and Merchant Bank (with Comparison Chart)

Banks are termed as the financial institutions, which act as intermediaries between depositors and borrowers. Besides the usual function of accepting deposits and extending credit, many value added services are also provided by the banks. Indeed, there are different types of banks set up to perform different functions. Commercial banks are the banks that provide services to the general public and companies as well. On the other hand, merchant banks are similar to investment banks as they do not provide regular banking services, rather deals with commercial loans and investment avenues.

Difference Between Digestion in Humans and Ruminants

Key Difference – Digestion in Humans vs Ruminants   Digestive system in animals is an important system in the context of digestion of ingested food into simpler forms that could be easily absorbed by the body cells. This provides all the essential compounds needed by the body for the existence and development of the living organism. Different digestive systems have evolved according to different species, their feeding patterns, and their habitats.

Difference between Liberalism and Neoliberalism

Liberalism started in the Age of Enlightenment and has produced a healthy number of diverse philosophical branches that seemingly contradict each other on a number of political and economic matters. Let’s find out if neoliberalism is something the founders of this school of thought would be proud of. Summary TableLiberalismNeoliberalismA political ideology based on the importance of liberty and freedom.An economic principle that places a high regard on free marketsPromotes equality.

Difference between Pimple and Boil

What is Pimple? A pimple is a small inflamed raised area that forms on the skin as a result of a hair follicle becoming blocked with sebum and sometimes also dead skin cells (keratinocytes). Pimples are sometimes also called pustules or papules if they are open and inflamed. When pimples are closed and not inflamed then they are also referred to as comedones. The dermal layer of the skin contains sebaceous glands that produce the oily substance known as sebum.

Difference Between Salicylic Acid and Glycolic Acid

Salicylic Acid vs Glycolic Acid   Carboxylic acids are the organic compounds having the functional group –COOH. This group is known as the carboxyl group. Carboxylic acid has a general formula as follows.   In the simplest type of carboxylic acid, R group equals to H. This carboxylic acid is known as formic acid. Further, R group can be a straight carbon chain, branched chain, aromatic group etc.

Difference Between Valence Shell and Penultimate Shell

The key difference between valence shell and penultimate shell is that valence shell is the outermost electron-containing shell of an atom, whereas penultimate shell is the shell that is inner to the outermost electron-containing shell. The terms valence shell and penultimate shell are used mainly in general chemistry when determining the electron composition of a particular atom. Valence shell and penultimate shell contain one or more electrons. CONTENTS 1. Overview and Key Difference