Forskjellen mellom Lac og Trp Operon

Lac operon reagerer på en induserer som får repressoren til å distansere seg fra operatøren, og derepresserer operonet. Trp-operonen reagerer på et repressorprotein som binder seg til to tryptofanmolekyler. ... Denne bindingen forhindrer binding av RNA-polymerase, slik at operon ikke blir transkribert (fig. Hvordan er lac repressor forskjellig fra trp repressor?Hva er funksjonen til trp-operon?Hva er de viktigste likhetene og forskjellene mellom undertrykkbare og induserbare operoner?Hva er forskjellen mellom en Regulon og en operon?

What is the Difference Between Classical Dance and Folk Dance

The main difference between classical dance and folk dance is that classical dance is quite complex and technical, whereas folk dance is quite easy to learn. Both classical dance and folk dance are traditional dance forms of India. Classical dance refers to several of the highly stylized dance forms that can trace their roots to the Sanskrit text on theatre and drama, Natyashastra. Folk dance, on the other hand, is a type of simple dance developed by the people to reflect their lives, often to the local music.

Difference Between Cougar and Panther

Main DifferenceThe main difference between Cougar and Panther is that Cougar is an individual species and is inherent to America, whereas Panther is divided in Africa, America, and Asia. Cougar vs. PantherCougar is an individual specie; on the contrary, a panther is often compared with jaguars, leopards, and dark-colored cats. The genera of a cougar are Puma; on the other hand, the panther belongs to the genus Panthera. Cougars have tan brown colored fur without having black spots, while panthers have dark brown to black fur and have spots but not noticeable.

Difference between E-Ticket and I-Ticket

Key difference: E-Ticket is an electronic printed ticket. I-Ticket is a ticket couriered to the traveler by the railways. When traveling with the Indian Railways, one has the option of booking their ticket online. This ticket can either be in the E-Ticket or I-Ticket format. The difference between the two is how the traveler gets the ticket. An E-Ticket is an electronic ticket which the traveler can book and print at their own convenience.

Difference Between GMO and Hybrid

Key Difference – GMO vs Hybrid   GMO and Hybrid are improved organisms with beneficial characteristics via genetic engineering or breeding programs. The key difference between GMO and hybrid is that GMO is an organism with modified genome through genetic engineering technology inside the lab while hybrid is an offspring produced by controlled sexual reproduction between two organisms by the breeder. CONTENTS 1. Overview and Key Difference 2. What is GMO

Difference Between Guttation and Transpiration

Guttation vs Transpiration   Plant absorbs a large amount of water irrespective of their daily requirements. But only 1% of this amount is utilized by plants while 99 % is lost from the aerial parts of the plant. The water is lost either in the form water vapor or rarely in liquid form. Depending on the form of water (liquid or vapor), two terms are used to explain the way of loosing water.

Difference Between Paradigm and Theory

Science is a large field and has various terms and ideologies being incorporated, not only into their facts and explanations but also into our daily life. Two such terms are paradigm and theory. Paradigm and theory are the two terms that are inter-dependent. Like in the case of analyzing and evaluating, one must have a paradigm before writing a theory. But for this, we would have to learn to differentiate them.

Differences Between Ascribed and Achieved Status

Ascribed vs Achieved Status Sometimes, we think that only certain studies, courses, and even degrees that we take only allow us to define terminologies. There are just certain things in life that we need to learn about and be informed about so when the time comes and it could be applied, we know what to do, and how to use it. Take for instance the terms: ascribed and achieved. Little did we know that there is actually a difference between both terms.

Differences Between Joined and Conjoined

Joined vs Conjoined “Joined” and “conjoined” are separately mentioned in the dictionary. The word “joined” has many usages. “Joined” and “conjoined” are also used to refer to joined or conjoined twins. When the words refer to twins, conjoined and joined twins are one and the same thing. Lets first look at the dictionary meanings of both words and then a little about joined and conjoined twins. Dictionary Meaning of “Joined”

Nikon D5100 vs D90 - Difference and Comparison

The Nikon D5100 DSLR camera is a slightly newer model than the D90, and is better for professional video recording because it has a higher resolution (4928x3264 pixels) compared with the Nikon D90 (4288x2848 pixels), records stereo sound and allows for in-camera video editing. However, the D90 has a longer battery life and faster response time. While the D5100 is for professionals, the Nikon D90 is aimed at the "